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Nastiness Inconsiderate Actions Sexual Harassment Control Freaks Incompetence Ethics

What can be done about a woman supervisor who makes crude remarks to one employee about another? This supervisor is not liked, as she is a total control freak.

This supervisor may be a control freak, but it sounds like she has a real problem controlling herself. Her comments generate a broad range of dissatisfaction, distress, and insecurity, and they expose the company to a number of claims as well.

If you want this type of crass and mean-spirited behavior to stop, you need to let her know. This does not call for a confrontation, but rather for a conversation. The next time she starts making crude remarks, you and your associates should tell her that such comments are very upsetting, and your entire department could work more comfortably, effectively, and productively if they were eliminated.

If her crude comments persist, you and your associates should discuss the situation with her manager or the human resources representative. Unless this company is operating in the Stone Age, some action will be taken by these individuals. And, if they opt to ignore this matter, then there is more to the crudeness of your company than merely your supervisor's comments.

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