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Communication Change Self-Insight Suggestions Persuasion

Whenever I make a suggestion to management, I am told that my idea will not work. I think that some of my ideas are very good, but no one around here seems to care. Are there some ways to encourage management to accept some of my suggestions?

The first suggestion is for you to honestly review the quality of your suggestions. Although management certainly could have given you more guidance and feedback regarding your various suggestions, the first step in having them implemented is to make sure that they are viable. In order to make this determination, you should try to get an honest assessment from some friends and associates.

The next step is to review your presentation. It is very important to present your idea in a clear and compelling fashion that identifies the specific needs that it will fill or problems that it will solve, followed by an explanation of some of the benefits that will emanate from it.

At the same time, although you may have excellent ideas, there are some companies that pay great lip service to being open and receptive to the employees' suggestions, while actually intending to do very little with them. You may be a highly creative individual who works for a company that is absolutely uninterested in change. If that is the case, then perhaps it is time to make some suggestions to yourself about where you are working.

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