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Turnover Blaming New Hires Quitting Time

I hired a manager for one of our financial areas six months ago, and since he has been here, turnover in that area has gone way up. I know he is strict, and I am concerned that he may be too strong and aggressive for our employees. What's the best way to deal with him and the turnover situation?

The fact that you hired a new manager six months ago and turnover has increased during the same period does not automatically mean that your new manager is the cause. He may be the cause, or he may have nothing to do with it.

First, take a careful look at turnover itself. If you conduct exit interviews, it will be helpful to look at the employees' reasons for leaving. Some forms of turnover are unavoidable, such as the transfer of a spouse or personal problems. Or, perhaps a new company opened in the area and is paying forty percent more than you.

Look also at the departing employees themselves. Is the department losing some of the most productive employees, or are the weaker members heading for the doors? It is possible that current turnover is a positive development and a sign that the department is rebuilding.

At the same time, employees may in fact be leaving because this new manager is a tyrant. Before drawing that conclusion or any other conclusion, turn over all of the stones and see what you can learn about turnover in your company.

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