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Sales and Selling Training and Education

A few months ago, we spent a considerable amount of money on a sales training program, and we know from surveying the attendees that they enjoyed it and learned a lot. The problem is that we are seeing no change in their sales numbers. How do we get such a positive reaction to the program and nothing else?

One problem is that your survey focused more on reactions than behaviors. You found that your salespeople enjoyed the program and learned something from it. That's very nice, but that does not mean there has been any change in their sales strategies, practices, or behaviors.

You can go to a great seminar on making soufflÈs, and a survey might show that you learned something and enjoyed it. However, that does not mean you will be able to whip things into shape when the heat is on and you have a spatula in hand. What you actually need is a survey that measures sales behaviors after the training, and, preferably before the training as well.

At the same time, maybe the situation has nothing to do with the survey. Perhaps the new skills of your sales team have been undercut by other developments, such as increased competition, price wars, new alternative products, or larger changes in the economy. In fact, sales might be far worse if the team had not been trained.

One step to take at this time is for the sales managers to follow-up with the salespeople, directly observe their sales techniques, and then provide some guidance, feedback, and modeling to help them heat things up.

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