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Feedback Coaching Fear Coaching

I delegated a basic project to one of my employees, and I told her to proof it before returning it to me. When she finished, I assumed the project was ready for distribution, so I sent it to my manager and several other managers. It turns out there were some glaring errors. I was upset with her and told her so, but how do I prevent this type of problem in the future? Do I have to review everything she does?

Although this employee made some glaring errors, you do not gain anything by glaring back at her. When employees are given clear guidelines and fail to comply, they need constructive feedback and coaching.

If your employee fears that you are going to get very upset every time she makes a mistake, she can be preoccupied with your potentially harsh reaction, and this can further undercut the quality and quantity of her work.

In addition to taking a more supportive stance, it can also be helpful to periodically touch base with her while she is working on your projects. Take a look at what she is doing, solicit her questions or suggestions, and further emphasize your expectations.

If you provide her with this type of guidance, but still find that she is making errors, it may be time to look more carefully at her skill mix and see if there is a way to provide her with more opportunities that play into her strengths. At the same time, if the strengths are not there, perhaps she should not be there either.

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