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Finding a Job Job Interviews Stereotyping Equal Employment Age Discrimination Insecurity Screening Applicants

I am looking for a job, and although I am still in my 30’s, my hair has a lot of gray. I have had interviews for positions that I could definitely handle, but I have not received one offer. Some of my friends say that the problem is that I look older, and their suggestion is for me to dye my hair. Do you think this will help?

Although you might be “dying” to find a job, the reasons for your present lack of offers probably has nothing to do with your graying locks. After all, there are plenty of people without one grey hair who are having problems landing a job offer.

Before taking this superficial step, you should step back and look at your entire presentation. Perhaps other factors are preventing these offers, such as your actual qualifications, the style or content of your interview, or issues related to your references or background checks. Some honest introspection can be very helpful here.

Most employers today recognize that there are laws prohibiting age discrimination, and they also understand the foolishness of overlooking highly qualified and experienced applicants. A related question is whether you would like to work for a company that engages in age discrimination.

The decision to dye your hair is totally personal. If you think you would feel more comfortable, confident, and vibrant, as the commercials would have you believe, then you can give it a try. Either way, it is important to remember that today’s best employers are more concerned with gray matter than gray hair.

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