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Age Discrimination Finding a Job Assertiveness

I am a 58-year-old maintenance worker with 33 years of experience in my field. I have had many interviews for better jobs, and every time they say that I would fit the job well, and they often use the word "great," but then I get a letter saying they picked someone else. I am in very good health, happy, and a great worker, but I am feeling left behind because of my age. What can I do?

You indicated that you are a "great" worker, and the interviewers often say you are "great," but then you get rejected, and that's not great. Unfortunately, it is possible that a company may foolishly, recklessly, and illegally exclude you because of your age. If that is the case, there are governmental agencies that can help. However, the fact that you are having successful interviews with several companies, followed by rejections, can indicate that something else may be happening here.

For example, perhaps you are receiving a less-than-great reference from a former employer, or perhaps, after the glow of the interview has dimmed, there is something about your work history that is troubling to potential employers.

At this point, the best step is to try to find out what the problem may be. In the event you are rejected again, one approach is to call the interviewer, indicate how much you enjoyed talking with him or her, and ask what happened. You may get a hint or two that can make something better happen next time.

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