Hopefully your ad did not say how much the company cares, because the way that you have been treated indicates that management is pretty careless. With increasing numbers of companies trying to foster two-way communication, creativity, and employee development, the idea of ignoring an employee's suggestion is a mistake.
Such treatment is upsetting, demoralizing, and demotivating, and it sends a broader message that management does not really care about the employees' ideas. In fact, this treatment can indicate that management does not really care about the employees, period.
Even if your ad was terrible, your next suggestion could save the company millions of dollars. But, because you were ignored on this round, perhaps there won't be another one from you or from your associates.
You should discuss all of this with the General Manager, and then ask for some feedback on your suggestion. If it ever arrives, listen to it carefully and keep it in mind as you develop your next suggestion. And, if the feedback never arrives, then you know exactly where you and your ad stand with this company.